Monday, March 29, 2010



To: All employees
Date: 29-03-2010
From: Khalifa - Supervisor


Dear Employees:

Will you all send me a medical report a bout any discases weather.
It was in the past or now ?
And ,also aend me 1 staff number , names ,address ,contact or any deatils or you family member.

List should disaneo:
1- any soryery e.y operations
2- allergies
3- or any medicals that you need to take or you take now.

please E-mail me back in one weak.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Past continous and past simple

While I was driving suddenly the car stopped.

While I was cooking I burnt my hand .

While I was havning a shower the wataer finished.

While I was sleeping the phone rang.

While I was running in the park a dog followed me.

Monday, March 1, 2010