Monday, March 29, 2010



To: All employees
Date: 29-03-2010
From: Khalifa - Supervisor


Dear Employees:

Will you all send me a medical report a bout any discases weather.
It was in the past or now ?
And ,also aend me 1 staff number , names ,address ,contact or any deatils or you family member.

List should disaneo:
1- any soryery e.y operations
2- allergies
3- or any medicals that you need to take or you take now.

please E-mail me back in one weak.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Past continous and past simple

While I was driving suddenly the car stopped.

While I was cooking I burnt my hand .

While I was havning a shower the wataer finished.

While I was sleeping the phone rang.

While I was running in the park a dog followed me.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

10 Examples of simple Past, WAS/WERE positive and negative

1- My parents were in K.S.A last weekend.
*My parents weren't in K.S.A last weekend.

2-I was looking for mobile in the cinema last thuesday.
* I wasn't looking for mobile in the cinema last thuesday.

3- They were sitting at the desert last night.
* They weren't sitting at the desert last night.

4-We were in U.A.E last month.
* We weren't in U.A.E last month.

5- Ali was at work for week .
* Ali wasn't at work for week .

Monday, February 1, 2010

Presnt countinous And possive

1- I'm doing my homework in the class at the moment.
* The home work is being done by me.

2- My brother is driving a car right now.
* Right now the car is driven by my brother .

3- The teacher is teaching the students .
* The students are being taught by the teacher.

4-Fahad is trying to improve his work .
* Fahad's work is being improved by him .

5- My friends are playing football in the club.
* Football is being played by my friend

My best friend.....^^ P2

Fahad is my best friend. He has many positive, personal qualities.He is helpful, patient and generous.Fahad helps me with computers if I didn't understand some thing.He is patient but sometimes gives up quicklyIn math period and he always comes for help him.He is generous because he never let me pay at the cafeteriaTo be honest with you he is always late for classes.And he doesn't do his homework every time.I like fahad because he has many good things kindly, friendly and helpful.The best thing I like about him because he is funny.